SUPER (Single Glovebox)
Closed Loop Gas Circulation
  • Inert gas in a closed loop. The gas is circulated by the blower and purifier, H2O, O2 can be removed continuously.
Auto Purging
  • The replacement of the atmosphere inside the glove box can be achieved automatically by the purging valves.
Automatic Regeneration
  • H2O and O2 removal material can be regenerated. The regeneration process can be program controlled.
Automatic Pressure Control
  • The pressure in the glove box is controlled automatically by the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Working pressure can be set either between +15mbar and -15mbar or between +12 mbar and -12 mbar. If the pressure goes over the set range, the system will be protected automatically.
Eco Mode
  • The vacuum pump will be activated automatically when necessary, and will turn off after a period of idle time. Blower frequency will be switched to 25Hz when moisture and oxygen level reaches to less than 1 ppm